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The 12k course turns right off of Route 155 on to a private driveway and is marked with red engineering flags and white signs with red arrows.  The course follows the driveway to a bridge then continues right along the stream through the yard.  The trail continues up the valley for 50 yeard to a pipeline where the course turns right across a small stream and on to the pipeline.  The pipeline is 1.3 miles and the course crosses Bauer Hollow Road.  This is the location of the only aid station on this course and provides water and first aid.


The course turns left off of the pipeline and follows Bauer Hollow Road for 0.9 miles to the intersection with the Wiley Trail.  The curse turns left onto Wiley Trail and follows the 50k trail markings back to the finish line in Emporium which is 3.12 miles.  The elevation change on this course is 1088 feet.

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